Skills you will aquire
This comprehensive four-week programme provides clinicians with intensive tuition in an integrated approach to orthopaedic manual therapy of the spine, sacroiliac joints, hip, knee, ankle and shoulder girdle complex.
The primary aim of the programme is to integrate joint, muscle and neural tissue based manual therapy concepts to provide a more functional and comprehensive approach to the management of a range of neuromusculoskeletal conditions. This clinical programme is closely complemented by tutorials addressing common spinal and peripheral pathologies together with pain physiology and pathophysiology.
Evidence based practice is a strong theme of the course. Participants are guided through a logical approach underscored by a process of sound clinical reasoning in the evaluation of the patients presenting condition. Participants are taught skills and techniques that enhance effi cient and eff ective physical examination of a wide range of clinical presentations.
The syllabus places particular emphasis on the spinal regions and related spinal pain disorders with relevant consideration of the shoulder girdle complex, pelvis/sacroiliac joints and the articulations of the lower limb. This syllabus integrates a range of manual therapy concepts developed by internationally renowned manual therapists.
This intensive 4 week manual therapy programme is an integrated approach to the assessment and management of spinal, shoulder girdle, pelvis, lower limb and neuromusculoskeletal pain disorders. The programme is made up of the following sections:
Anatomy, pathoanatomy and age related changes of the spinal column
Pain physiology
Subjective examination and planning of physical examination
Evidence based practice
Clinical reasoning to determine diagnosis, indications and contraindications of manual therapy and other management strategies •
Assessment and management of the shoulder girdle muscle complex
Classification, assessment and management of lumbar motor control disorders
Assessment and management of the neural tissue pain disorders
Assessment and management of sacroiliac joint pain disorders
Assessment and management of articular pain disorders of the upper cervical spine, cervical spine, thoracic spine and lumbar spine, including high velocity thrust
Assessment and management of cervical and axioscapula muscle function
Assessment and management of spinal soft tissue disorders
Assessment and management of lower limb pain disorders
At the completion of the four-week program the participants will:
be conversant in clinically relevant developments in anatomy, pathoanatomy and age related changes of the spinal column
have a clear understanding of pain mechanisms, their clinical relevance, the appropriate measures to address complex chronic pain disorders and the neurophysiological basis for pain relief by manual therapy
be conversant with current evidence and clinical reasoning processes with respect to manual therapy
be proficient in applying spinal and peripheral joint, neural and muscle examination procedures
be proficient in determining a differential diagnosis based on an integrated examination of the joint, muscle and neural systems
be able to formulate the most appropriate and effective manual therapy management program suitable for the assessed condition
be proficient in applying an appropriate manual therapy treatment strategy incorporating manual treatment techniques and specific exercises and motor control.